Thursday, July 31, 2008

ACT Energy Drink Leads

What exactly are ACT Energy Drink leads? Maybe we should start out what are the various types of leads available to build your ACT Energy Drink business.

Let us start with a phone interviewed ACT Energy Drink Leads these are custom generated to suit you and your group's business needs. Leads of this type are typically around $6 to $12 per lead however you can get discount group rates if you so desire. You simply need to shop around to various lead companies. Or ask for a referral from other business affiliates.

Each phone interviewed ACT Energy Drink Lead is generated using a custom script. Generally lead companies use their own in house telemarketers that personally contact each prospect precisely asking questions that prequalify the prospect into various categories. Thus determining right on the spot whether or not that prospect would make a good business opportunity prospect.

The prospect is then further questioned as to how much money you would be willing to invest in a home based business. How much time would you be willing to spend building a business? What type of a home based business are you looking for?

So from this point on this prospect has now become a very expensive prime ACT Energy Drink lead and will be sold accordingly. This DrinkACT lead will have provided their name, valid phone number and email address. This particular type of lead NEEDS to be called right away.

My question now becomes to you as a business affiliate can you afford to pay for this quality ACT Energy Drink lead? How many can you honestly afford to purchase in your monthly business budget. What is the ratio to ACT Energy Drink lead purchase vs. actual sign ups?

You need to do the math and find out what works best for you. I personally do not purchase leads of any kind. Nor do I call people cold from the phone book. I do not bother my friends and neighbors with my business, in essence begging them to join. I simply purchase happy customers that are already purchasing products. Plain and simple!

If you too would like to learn about Ultimate teamwork and synergy as one. Together building a business that will last a lifetime. Then you need to take a look and see for yourself.

Kim Buchanan
Skype Me kimzinbiz



Tuesday, July 29, 2008

ACT Energy Drink Leads

Are you looking to activate your lifestyle, bring a much needed financial boost, then you need to consider ACT Energy Drink. Join in the mult-billion dollar energy drink market.

A.C.T. stands for Advanced Cellular Technology. ACT Energy Drink contains all natural ingredients, contains low sugar, low carbs and has 24 calories per serving. It gives a healthy energy boost and is the perfect drink for people looking to lose weight. There are no jitters, anxious feelings, or jolt and crash.

Sound good to you? Let us take a further look at this company and how to build your ACT Energy Drink business. First of all you need ACT Energy Drink leads to talk too regarding your business. Since ACT Energy Drink is Internet driven home based business you can find some success in three steps.

Get a ACT Energy Drink DrinkACT website. Be sure to share it with all your friends and family. You can go out a spend money to have business cards made up with your site listed for all to see. But how will you distribute those cards? You need volume daily to visit your site. Perhaps you can hire an SEO expert to help you gain good search engine ranking. But where do you get started? Do you have that kind of money to invest in your business?

What else can you do to get people to sign up in your ACT Energy Drink business, as you still do not have enough ACT Energy Drink leads to speak to. Should you buy some ACT Energy Drink leads? What kind of ACT Energy Drink leads do you buy? What do you say to them, how can you get them to your web site so that they sign up? More importantly will these new people duplicate your process?

The reason why 99 percent of MLM opportunities fall apart from distributor attrition or "fall out" is because 99 percent of MLM companies are all DISTRIBUTORS not CUSTOMERS. Thus you need to build your business on ACT Energy Drink Leads.

Everyone is put at a disadvantage because they're all in competition with each other for more distributors. Example: When you recruit three and they recruit three and they recruit three and they recruit three and they also recruit three your leading edge of 243 hungry distributors (sales people) represents 67% of your organization and none of them are making money. If they don't start making money soon, they quit and there goes your organization into a collapse. Why because they are not customers! They are only buying the product because of the promise to make money. Eventually they either quit or move on to another company or leave the industry all together.


I do not buy leads, I buy customers. The Ultimate Team sponsoring system is making history. The fact we are breaking records in our growth. The Ultimate Team leaves no one behind. It is all for one and one for all.

If you too would like to learn about Ultimate teamwork and synergy as one. Together building a business that will last a lifetime. Then you need to take a look and see for yourself.

Kim Buchanan
Skype Me kimzinbiz



Monday, July 28, 2008

ACT Energy Drink Leads

Doctors at M2C Global took one year to develop ACT Energy Drink as the biggest innovation in healthy energy nutrition in over two decades. It works by super charging nutrient uptake into your cells with selected amino acids, vitamins, minerals, adaptogenic herbs, fruit extracts, and plant extracts that address Immediate and Long Lasting Energy and Vitality, Mental Focus and Alertness, Depression and Mood Swings Control, Stress Control and much, much more. ACT Energy Drink is a web based energy drink company founded in June 2005 by Paul Gravette and Mark McKnight. intends to become the most powerful web based energy drink affiliate program in the world by attracting hundreds of thousands of customers from around the globe who simply want to feel good.

Given the fact we all need an energy drink now and then to perk ourselves up, a lift during the day. Thus building a business around an energy drink can make a lot of sense.

So now you are ready to build your ACT Energy Drink right? What is the first thing you are going to need? Why it is ACT Energy Drink Leads. Where will you find these leads? What kind of ACT Energy Drink lead is the best?

It is difficult to purchase premium ACT Energy drink leads that have not already been called thousands of times by every other opportunity affiliate. Especially today with the Internet as the source of find these leads. These leads are very pricey, and really you have no true guarantee that no one else has contacted them first. It is a high price to pay and an even bigger gamble on your part.

Least we not forget that even when you do find a quality ACT Energy Drink leads you need to be able to share the opportunity with that prospect, with enlightened enthusiasm, prescience to be able to help your prospect see the vision as you do. Then you must be dedicated to follow through until the close of the deal.

I just personally know my limitations when it comes to finding good ACT Energy drink leads to talk to. It is not alone the ever frustrating pursuit of trying to get the prospect to answer the phone, then to muster up the courage to begin to share the opportunity with them.

I have a better way. I simply buy customers. I do not call leads. I work with a team of like minded entrepreneurs, as together we are building true walk away income and no one is left behind.

If this sounds good to you too, then give me a call.

The Ultimate Team

Kim Buchanan
Skype Me kimzinbiz



Sunday, July 27, 2008

ACT Energy Drink Leads

Feel Alert Within Minutes Feel Energy for Hours ACT Energy Drink is The New Healthy Energy Drink. Low in Sugar, High in Healthy Ingredients. Only 22 Calories!

Unlike those popular energy drinks loaded with sugar and caffeine that give you a buzz but make you feel edgy, when you drink ACT Energy Drink it gives you more mental alertness within minutes, plus a steady physical energy that last for several hours. And you don't get that sugar rush followed by a crash. The physical energy boost is calm and natural and lasts 4 to 6 hours. ACT Energy Drink costs less than comparable brand name energy drinks when shipped directly to your home (world-wide). It contains healthy herbal ingredients like Green Tea and is designed to act at the cellular level. Great cherry taste! Drink ACT Energy Drink is a Easy Home-Based Business to start. It is simple and requires no prior experience. Almost anyone can do it.

FREE membership, FREE marketing website and FREE training provided
Ground floor opportunity with new international markets opening now
Easy network duplication and long-term recurring orders passive income

Simple system to find a few people that also want to make money. They find a few others and so on. You can get paid on ALL TEAM SALES, not just your own. Super low starting costs. Almost anyone can afford to do this business and prosper.

Does all this sound familiar to you? It sure does to me. Let us look at some simple facts. In order to build an ACT Energy Drink business you need ACT Energy Drink leads. You are building a business based on distributors that too are following you in the duplication process. Therein lies a difficult task. I know personally for me I have tried building several businesses based on model in the past. All ending in failure. What happens why doesn't this work?

The reason why 99 percent of MLM opportunities fall apart from distributor attrition or "fall out" is because 99 percent of MLM companies are all DISTRIBUTORS not CUSTOMERS. Thus you need to build your business on finding ACT Energy Drink Leads and hoping to sign up distributors and so on and so on. Building a house of cards.

Everyone is put at a disadvantage because they're all in competition with each other for more distributors. Example When you recruit three and they recruit three and they recruit three and they recruit three and they also recruit three your leading edge of 243 hungry distributors (sales people) represents 67 percent of your organization and none of them are making money. If they don't start making money soon they quit and there goes your organization into a collapse. Why because they are not customers! They are only buying the product because of the promise to make money. Eventually they either quit or move on to another company or leave the industry all together. Duplication doesn't work so what does? You haven't had success in network marketing until you’ve been in the Ultimate Sponsoring program that pays from the bottom up with "perpetual compression". It's a total win-win for everyone involved. Combine this with network marketing’s hottest and most proven product (HINT:customers) and you’ll soon find out why we’re the #1 growth organization in network marketing today. So, don't delay ... fill out that form now!

Kim Buchanan
Skype Me kimzinbiz



Saturday, July 26, 2008

ACT Energy Drink Leads

Are you looking to activate your lifestyle, bring a much needed financial boost, then you need to consider ACT Energy Drink. Join in the mult-billion dollar energy drink market.

A.C.T. stands for Advanced Cellular Technology. ACT Energy Drink contains all natural ingredients, contains low sugar, low carbs and has 24 calories per serving. It gives a healthy energy boost and is the perfect drink for people looking to lose weight. There are no jitters, anxious feelings, or jolt and crash.

The energy drink business is booming and sales are increasing an average of 50 percent per year! ACT Energy drink DRINK ACT Energy is made by a company that pays YOU to use their product. There is a 30-day money back guarantee .

Sound good to you? Let us take a further look at this company and how to build your ACT Energy Drink business. First of all you need ACT Energy Drink leads to talk too regarding your business. Since ACT Energy Drink is Internet driven home based business you can find some success in three steps.

Get a ACT Energy Drink DrinkACT website. Be sure to share it with all your friends and family. You can go out a spend money to have business cards made up with your site listed for all to see. But how will you distribute those cards? You need volume daily to visit your site. Perhaps you can hire an SEO expert to help you gain good search engine ranking. But where do you get started? Do you have that kind of money to invest in your business?

So you place your name and phone number along with your email address on your web site, you purchase some business cards, geez they are pricey. You hand them out at work, at church, your hair dresser/barber allow you to leave a few. But is the phone ringing off the hook yet? Are people going to your site and signing up purely on the basis of your site content? Does your web site totally sell your prospect? Are you able to monitor your traffic to your site, so you know if the business cards are an effective means.

What else can you do to get people to sign up in your ACT Energy Drink business, as you still do not have enough ACT Energy Drink leads to speak to. Should you buy some ACT Energy Drink leads? What kind of ACT Energy Drink leads do you buy? What do you say to them, how can you get them to your web site so that they sign up? More importantly will these new people duplicate your process?

The reason why 99 percent of MLM opportunities fall apart from distributor attrition or "fall out" is because 99 percent of MLM companies are all DISTRIBUTORS not CUSTOMERS. Thus you need to build your business on ACT Energy Drink Leads.

Everyone is put at a disadvantage because they're all in competition with each other for more distributors. Example: When you recruit three and they recruit three and they recruit three and they recruit three and they also recruit three your leading edge of 243 hungry distributors (sales people) represents 67% of your organization and none of them are making money. If they don't start making money soon, they quit and there goes your organization into a collapse. Why because they are not customers! They are only buying the product because of the promise to make money. Eventually they either quit or move on to another company or leave the industry all together.

Discouraged yet? I know I was until I found that traditional marketing is the same ol same ol


I do not buy leads, I buy customers. The Ultimate Team sponsoring system is making history. The fact we are breaking records in our growth. The Ultimate Team leaves no one behind. It is all for one and one for all.

If you too would like to learn about Ultimate teamwork and synergy as one. Together building a business that will last a lifetime. Then you need to take a look and see for yourself.

Kim Buchanan
Skype Me kimzinbiz



Friday, July 25, 2008

  ACT Energy Drink Leads

ACT Energy drink is the leading healthy energy drink being sold through a social network of like-minded individuals working from the comfort of their own homes. Selling over 65 MILLION drinks and counting within the first 30 months.

ACT Energy Drink actually COSTS LESS - ACT Energy Drink is the lowest costing energy drink on the market. The packets are only $1 each and the cans are $1.45 each. The average energy drink out their sells between $2.50-$3.00 so we are at least $1 cheaper than any other energy drink out there and we are the ONLY all natural energy drink on the market

Earn Immediate and Long-Term Residual

Reputable ACT Energy Drink lead brokers will work with you to put together some truly awesome packages to help accelerate home-business growth and they will do so at a price that hardly seams real! They purchase millions of quality leads every month. Once they get them, they sell these leads at various levels and prices, depends on the number of times these leads were sold to others.

Let's start with a phone interviewed ACT Energy Drink lead these are custom generated to suit you and your group's business needs. Leads of this type are typically around $6 to $12 per lead however you can get discount group rates if you so desire. You simply need to shop around to various lead companies. Or ask for a referral from other business affiliates

The prospect is then further questioned as to how much money you would be willing to invest in a home based business. How much time would you be willing to spend building a business? What type of a home based business are you looking for?

So from this point on this prospect has now become a very expensive prime ACT Energy Drink lead and will be sold accordingly. This DrinkACT lead will have provided their name, valid phone number and email address. This particular type of lead NEEDS to be called right away.

My question now becomes to you as a business affiliate can you afford to pay for this quality ACT Energy Drink lead? How many can you honestly afford to purchase in your monthly business budget. What is the ratio to ACT Energy Drink lead purchase vs. actual sign ups?

You need to do the math and find out what works best for you. I personally do not purchase leads of any kind. Nor do I call people cold from the phone book. I do not bother my friends and neighbors with my business, in essence begging them to join. I simply purchase happy customers that are already purchasing products. Plain and simple!

If you too would like to learn about Ultimate teamwork and synergy as one. Together building a business that will last a lifetime. Then you need to take a look and see for yourself.

Kim Buchanan
Skype Me kimzinbiz



Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Renton Wa Real Estate Blog Neighborhoods

Neighborhoods of Renton

Renton is a wonderful place to live with terrific neighborhoods, friendly people, diverse housing choices, and beautiful parks. The City recognizes and supports our neighborhoods as one of the primary reasons Renton residents enjoy such a high quality of life.

The city of Renton has a program they call "Neighborhood Program". This program is to ensure a positive dialogue between the City and its residents. By bringing neighbors together and helping residents improve their neighborhoods, a greater sense of community is fostered and the overall image of the City is improved. The program matches City staff members with neighborhood groups to provide a contact point between the City and residents. The program also sponsors a small matching grant program for public involvement projects.

For more information on the "Neighborhood Program", neighborhoods already in the program, how to get involved in the program, contact information or just to check it out go here.

The Neighborhood Program is a means for the City to successfully maintain good lines of communication with citizens, as well as help citizens undertake improvements or beautification projects through neighborhood grants.

There's something for everyone in Renton. And here at the Renton Real Estate Blog it is our effort to keep you up to date, informed not only what is happening in Renton Real Estate but also in the community.

To see the latest news and announcements about exciting events and Real Estate opportunities in the City, have a look here

Renton is a City with great neighborhoods and caring residents who help make the City a great place to work, live, and play. There are many terrific opportunities in the City to buy homes and property, as well as homes and apartments for rent. Establishing a home in Renton means finding a community with welcoming people, friendly neighborhoods, and terrific amenities.

Get the best of the Northwest, without high prices, hassle, traffic and expensive parking!

Renton has an active Code Compliance and Enforcement Program to help ensure that City neighborhoods are safe and attractive, both in existing and developing areas.

If your looking for a home in the Renton area or if you would like to sell your home, please stop by our web site and have a look around. We have a tremendous amount of information for you with absolutely no cost or obligation. You can visit our Renton Real Estate Blog here.

Lonnie Snyder
Keller Williams Realty Southeast Sound
Phone: 206-406-2710
Lonnie Snyder is a full time real estate agent
and REALTOR® with Keller Williams Realty specializing
in Residential Real Estate for buyers and sellers
in Washington's Kent, Renton, Newcastle and South Bellevue.

Jerry Snyder SEO Consultant
Skype me

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Renton Real Estate Blog

Renton Municipal Airport, Clayton Scott Field

The Renton Municipal Airport, owned by the City of Renton, is a general aviation airport which serves Renton and other nearby communities. The airport provides regional aviation services for air charter, air taxi, corporate, business and recreational flyers. It is also an FAA-designated "Reliever" airport, diverting general aviation aircraft traffic from Sea-Tac International Airport.

The airport is located approximately 25 minutes south of downtown Seattle to the northwest and Bellevue to the north, and is situated in the center of the regional transportation network that connects State Highways 167, 169, 515 and 900 to Interstate Highways 5, 405 and 90.

The Airport is used predominately by single-engine piston aircraft, and ranks among the top six airports in the State of Washington in terms of aircraft landings and takeoffs. The Boeing Commercial Airplane Company, located adjacent to the airport, manufactures Boeing 737 aircraft and uses the airport for their initial flights.

Seaplane (or floatplane) operations from the Will Rogers-Wiley Post Memorial Seaplane Base, located at the north end of the airport along the shore of Lake Washington, also comprise a significant level of activity at the airport. The seaplane facilities include a floating dock and launching ramp, which make the Renton Municipal Airport one of the few airports in the Pacific Northwest where aircraft can land on wheels and depart from the water, or vice versa, if they have the correct equipment.

The Renton Municipal Airport is a Landing Rights Airport, with US Customs services available for both floatplane and wheeled aircraft arriving by water or by land.

There's something for everyone in Renton. And here at the Renton Real Estate Blog it is our effort to keep you up to date, informed not only what is happening in Renton Real Estate but also in the community.

To see the latest news and announcements about exciting events and Real Estate opportunities in the City, have a look here

Nestled on the south shore of beautiful Lake Washington, Renton is centrally located in the heart of the Puget Sound area - just 10 minutes from SeaTac International Airport, Seattle and Bellevue. Renton also offers terrific views of the Olympics, the Cascades and Mount Rainier.

Get the best of the Northwest, without high prices, hassle, traffic and expensive parking!

Renton is a City with great neighborhoods and caring residents who help make the City a great place to work, live, and play. There are many terrific opportunities in the City to buy homes and property, as well as homes and apartments for rent. Establishing a home in Renton means finding a community with welcoming people, friendly neighborhoods, and terrific amenities.

Renton has an active Code Compliance and Enforcement Program to help ensure that City neighborhoods are safe and attractive, both in existing and developing areas.

If your looking for a home in the Renton area or if you would like to sell your home, please stop by our web site and have a look around. We have a tremendous amount of information for you with absolutely no cost or obligation. You can visit our Renton Real Estate Blog here.

Lonnie Snyder
Keller Williams Realty Southeast Sound
Phone: 206-406-2710

Lonnie Snyder is a full time real estate agent
and REALTOR® with Keller Williams Realty specializing
in Residential Real Estate for buyers and sellers
in Washington's Kent, Renton, Newcastle and South Bellevue.

Jerry Snyder SEO Consultant
Skype me

Renton Real Estate Blog

If you search Google for Renton Real Estate you will find many blog and other web sites that bring out the interesting facts, not only about Renton Real Estate blog, but about the community and it's unique features. For example...

There's something for everyone in Renton. And here at the Renton Real Estate Blog it is our effort to keep you up to date, informed not only what is happening in Renton Real Estate but also in the community.

To see the latest news and announcements about exciting events and Real Estate opportunities in the City, have a look here

Discover the magic of Renton and enjoy the convenient, spectacular location, outstanding value, hometown hospitality, and business-friendly environment.
Nestled on the south shore of beautiful Lake Washington, Renton is centrally located in the heart of the Puget Sound area - just 10 minutes from SeaTac International Airport, Seattle and Bellevue. Renton also offers terrific views of the Olympics, the Cascades and Mount Rainier.

Get the best of the Northwest, without high prices, hassle, traffic and expensive parking!

Homes and Property

In the City of Renton there is a wide range of housing choices, including affordable and luxury, vintage and new, single family and apartments, and everything in between. Compared to housing in Seattle, Bellevue, and many other surrounding communities, Renton's housing market is relatively affordable. Thousands of new houses and apartment units have been added in the past few years with more new opportunities available each month.

Renton is a City with great neighborhoods and caring residents who help make the City a great place to work, live, and play. There are many terrific opportunities in the City to buy homes and property, as well as homes and apartments for rent. Establishing a home in Renton means finding a community with welcoming people, friendly neighborhoods, and terrific amenities.

If you are building a new home, remodeling or adding onto your home, or adding a garage, shed, or carport in the City of Renton, a building permit is required. Please check with Planning and Zoning for additional information.

Renton has an active Code Compliance and Enforcement Program to help ensure that City neighborhoods are safe and attractive, both in existing and developing areas.

Residents of single family homes and duplexes in the City of Renton can also use the Police Departments' vacation house check program if they need to be away from their home for an extended period of time.

For information about utility and household waste services and rates, check here. The City also has useful suggestions online about how to prevent freezing pipes in wintertime and environmentally friendly gardening.

If your looking for a home in the Renton area or if you would like to sell your home, please stop by our web site and have a look around. We have a tremendous amount of information for you with absolutely no cost or obligation. You can visit our Renton Real Estate Blog here.

Lonnie Snyder
Keller Williams Realty Southeast Sound
Phone: 206-406-2710

Lonnie Snyder is a full time real estate agent
and REALTOR® with Keller Williams Realty specializing
in Residential Real Estate for buyers and sellers
in Washington's Kent, Renton, Newcastle and South Bellevue.

Jerry Snyder SEO Consultant
Skype me

Monday, July 21, 2008

ACT Energy Drink Leads

Does the ACT Energy Drinks Support and Promote Healthy Weight Loss?

Yes the ACT Energy healthy drink contains a Proprietary Energy Blend designed to speed up your own Metabolism with Natural and Whole Food Ingredients such as: Guarana, Green Tea, Panax Ginseng, and Maca Root.

Also the ACT Energy Drinks Contain Fibrosol 2, which is a Natural, Safe and Healthy source of Soluble Fiber which is known to Support and Promote Healthy Weight Loss.

The Drinks can be added to your Healthy Weight Loss Program which should include Sensible Diet and Exercise. Always be sure to check with your Health Care Professional before starting any Diet or Exercise Program.

Selling is an art, without a doubt. Perhaps even a sport. It takes energy, guts, brains and a bit of panache to barge into people’s work days and win them over. It helps, of course, if they are already looking for your service or product. You need ACT Energy Drink Leads.

Reputable ACT Energy Drink lead brokers will work with you to put together some truly awesome packages to help accelerate home-business growth and they will do so at a price that hardly seams real! They purchase millions of quality leads every month. Once they get them, they sell these leads at various levels and prices, depends on the number of times these leads were sold to others.


99 percent of network marketing organizations are built with nothing but distributors (sales people) Everyone is put at a disadvantage because they are all in competition with each other for more distributors. Example When you recruit three and they recruit three and they recruit three and they recruit three and they also recruit three your leading edge of 243 hungry distributors (sales people) represents 67 percent of your organization and none of them are making money. If they do not start making money soon they quit and there goes your organization into a collapse. Why because they are not customers. They are only buying the product because of the promise to make money. Eventually they either quit or move on to another company or leave the industry all together. You need ACT Energy Drink leads.

I do not buy leads, I buy customers. The Ultimate Team sponsoring system is making history. The fact we are breaking records in our growth. The Ultimate Team leaves no one behind. It is all for one and one for all.

If you too would like to learn about Ultimate teamwork and synergy as one. Together building a business that will last a lifetime. Then you need to take a look and see for yourself.

Kim Buchanan
Skype Me kimzinbiz


Saturday, July 19, 2008

Renton Real Estate Blog

There's something for everyone in Renton. And here at the Renton Real Estate Blog it is our effort to keep you up to date, informed not only what is happening in Renton Real Estate but also in the community.

To see the latest news and announcements about exciting events and Real Estate opportunities in the City, have a look here

If you search Google for Renton Real Estate you will find many blog and other web sites that bring out the interesting facts, not only about Renton Real Estate blog, but about the community and it'd unique features. For example...

Discover the magic of Renton and enjoy the convenient, spectacular location, outstanding value, hometown hospitality, and business-friendly environment.
Nestled on the south shore of beautiful Lake Washington, Renton is centrally located in the heart of the Puget Sound area - just 10 minutes from SeaTac International Airport, Seattle and Bellevue. Renton also offers terrific views of the Olympics, the Cascades and Mount Rainier.

Get the best of the Northwest, without high prices, hassle, traffic and expensive parking!

Renton has a lot of very nice parks, so lets take a look at what is here.

Parks and Trails


For a Map of trails and natural areas go here.
For a Walking map of Burien, SeaTac, Tukwila, and Renton go here.
For a Map of Regional Trails in King County go here.
For a map of King County Cedar River Trail Map go here.


Cedar River Trail
From Lake Washington to Jones Road - 4.5 miles
Garden 16th Houser - 1.0 mile
Honey Creek Trail - 1.0 mile
Lake Washington Blvd - 1.5 miles
SW 16th Trail - 0.5 mile
Springbrook Trail - 2.0 miles

Natural Areas

Black River Riparian Forest - 92.0 acres - Aerial map
Cedar River Natural Area - 237.0 acres - Aerial map
Cleveland Park - 23.7 acres
Honey Creek Natural Area - 35.7 acres - Aerial map
Lake Street Park - 1.0 acre
May Creek Natural Area - 30.0 acres - Aerial map
May Creek Park/McAskill - 10.0 acres
Panther Creek Wetlands - 73.0 acres
Renton Wetlands - 125.0 acres
Springbrook Watershed - 38.0 acres

Temporary Park Closure

Thomas Teasdale Park, at 601 S. 23rd Street, will be closed from July 14 to mid-October, 2008. The Activity Building will be open its usual hours during this time. The park closure is for the installation of a new park-wide irrigation system, new storm drainage system, and new infield mix on the ballfield. The parking lot will also be closed during this time for construction vehicle access only. Visitors to the Activity Building will enter off the street and traverse between construction fencing on the walkway to the building. For any questions, please contact Todd Black, Capital Project Coordinator, at 425-430-6600, or via email.

For a list of parks and their amenities and locations, visit the Master Park Directory. When using the parks, please be aware of and abide by the Park Rules and Regulations. To find out more information about how parks are maintained, please visit "Integrated Pest Management Program".

If you like working out doors and like lending a helping hand you should learn more about our new volunteer and sponsorship opportunities by going to Adopt a Park, Program or Participant.

If your looking for a home in the Renton area or if you would like to sell your home, please stop by our web site and have a look around. We have a tremendous amount of information for you with absolutely no cost or obligation. You can visit our Renton Real Estate Blog here.

Lonnie Snyder
Keller Williams Realty Southeast Sound
Phone: 206-406-2710
Lonnie Snyder is a full time real estate agent
and REALTOR® with Keller Williams Realty specializing
in Residential Real Estate for buyers and sellers
in Washington's Kent, Renton, Newcastle and South Bellevue.

Jerry Snyder SEO Consultant
Skype me

Sunrider Leads 719

Sunrider Leads in many ways. Sunrider leads in compensation. Sunrider leads in Personal Care & Home Care Products.

How is Sunrider compensation plan different?

There are many direct selling and multilevel compensation plans available such as binary systems and straight systems. However, Sunrider compensation plan is unique and superior in several important ways, so is Sunrider Leads.
Don't take my word for it go do a Google search for Leads, or Sunrider Leads. Check out the thousands of pages and you will get my point.

Make money with Sunrider while you sleep.

Sunrider leads with a global compensation plan so you can do business in over 42 countries. This allows you to make money around the clock. Sunrider can pay you three times a month, but you only need to qualify once a month. Most plans which pay you weekly also require you to qualify weekly. If you don't work to qualify that week, you don't get paid! In Sunrider, many IBOs earn a stable residual income so they can take a long vacation or do philanthropic work without worrying about their next paycheck.

"Regeneration" is the principle that is behind all of Sunrider's foods and products regenerating life within our bodies. It is giving life at the celllar level so those cells, "that have over 600 functions" can regenerate or become stronger and stronger rather than degenerating and becoming weaker and weaker. Every year 89% of our body is new! The question is - will our body be stronger or weaker just one year from now? That depends on what kind of foods we are giving our body - regenerative or degenerative foods. Sunrider foods are regenerative! They give life to the body so that it is able to overcome its own weaknesses and health challenges naturally, creating abundant vitality.

Our food should be our medicine!

With proper nourishment, the human body has the power to heal and regulate itself, maintain optimum health and achieve peak performance." The early Chinese doctors believed that instead of taking medicine to help cure a health problem, one should instead eat the proper herbs to prevent the body from ever getting sick. The Chinese doctor was paid to keep his patients well and if they became ill, payment ceased until he got his patients well again-at his own expense.

Sunrider in the news again

Sunrider Hosts USC US - China Institute Teacher Training Program On January 14, 2008, Sunrider hosted nearly thirty teachers from the Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District who were participating in the USC US - China Institute's Teacher Training Program. The teachers were warmly welcomed to Sunrider International's world headquarters by John Teng and Sunny Beutler in the main lobby. The teachers toured the Chen Art Gallery and then attended a seminar led by University of Southern California Professor Jack Wills in the Sunrider Ballroom.

The USC US - China Institute coordinates professional development and educational seminars with area school districts to help teachers incorporate Asia-related materials and current information into their curricula. These programs aim to introduce teachers to multiple resource areas in and out of the classroom, and visits to cultural institutions.

The teachers enjoyed the educational event here, especially the opportunity to see world-class fine art in the Chen Art Gallery followed by an expert presentation, and thanked Sunrider for its generous support and hospitality.

Sunrider manufactures over 415 award-winning products for your health, beauty, and household needs. Each product is carefully formulated with owner expertise and manufactured with the highest quality control in our state-of-the-art facilities. Explore our product lines to find out how Sunrider leads the industry with the most innovative, technologically advanced products available. Best of all, when you "switch brands" to Sunrider, you can earn a great income!

While the Sunrider foods and products are regenerating your physical health, the residual income provided through the Sunrider financial opportunity can also regenerate your financial health. It's a winning combination!

Sunrider Independent Business Owners can or will earn through participation in the Sunrider Compensation Plan. As with any other independent business, success results only from dedicated sales efforts, hard work, diligence, and leadership.

Ok so now that you are a Sunrider IBO, how are you going to promote your new Sunrider business? Many have been taught to go to their warm market (family and friends, fellow workers, people you do business with, Banker, Grocer, hair stylist ect.), And then to Free or Paid advertising. Others just tell you to buy Sunrider leads. Leads are expensive, they not only exact a toll on your bank book, they exact a toll on your most valuable asset, time.

Trying to contact a lead is very, very time consuming. Why bother? Just Buy Customers. It is much easier and will build your business much faster.
If you do a Google search for Sunrider leads, you will find there are a lot of lead brokers, some are obviously better that others, but the fact remains it is very expensive to buy leads. Why not buy customers

Buy Customers Not Leads

If you would like to learn more about buying customers, just fill in the contact form and come to our meetings on Saturday afternoons. You will learn the right approach to building your business on the net.

Jerry Snyder SEO Consultant
Skype me

Renton Real Estate Blog and Parks

There's something for everyone in Renton. And here at the Renton Real Estate Blog it is our effort to keep you up to date, informed not only what is happening in Renton Real Estate but also in the community.

To see the latest news and announcements about exciting events and Real Estate opportunities in the City, have a look here

If you search Google for Renton Real Estate you will find many blog and other web sites that bring out the interesting facts, not only about Renton Real Estate blog, but about the community and it'd unique features. For example...

Discover the magic of Renton and enjoy the convenient, spectacular location, outstanding value, hometown hospitality, and business-friendly environment.
Nestled on the south shore of beautiful Lake Washington, Renton is centrally located in the heart of the Puget Sound area - just 10 minutes from SeaTac International Airport, Seattle and Bellevue. Renton also offers terrific views of the Olympics, the Cascades and Mount Rainier.Get the best of the Northwest, without high prices, hassle, traffic and expensive parking!

Renton has a lot of very nice parks, so lets take a look at what is here.

Parks and Trails

The City of Renton Parks Division maintains 28 developed public parks, 12.5 miles of trails, 732 acres of public open space, an 18-hole public golf course, two lake-front beaches and a public boat launch. Over the past few years, significant investments have been made in the park system in Renton; the Piazza, Heritage Park, a skateboard facility, and the Veterans' Memorial Park have been completed. Additionally, the Cedar River Trail extends east to the city limits (and beyond to the City of Maple Valley) and connects to the Cedar River Boathouse on Lake Washington.

The Renton park system increases the value of your Renton Real Estate.
For a list of parks and their amenities and locations, visit the Master Park Directory. When using the parks, please be aware of and abide by the Park Rules and Regulations.

To find out more information about how parks are maintained, please visit "Integrated Pest Management Program".

If you like working out doors and like lending a helping hand you should learn more about our new volunteer and sponsorship opportunities by going to Adopt a Park, Program or Participant.

If your looking for a home in the Renton area or if you would like to sell your home, please stop by our web site and have a look around. We have a tremendous amount of information for you with absolutely no cost or obligation. You can visit our Renton Real Estate Blog here.

Lonnie Snyder
Keller Williams Realty Southeast Sound
Phone: 206-406-2710
Lonnie Snyder is a full time real estate agent
and REALTOR® with Keller Williams Realty specializing
in Residential Real Estate for buyers and sellers
in Washington's Kent, Renton, Newcastle and South Bellevue.

Friday, July 18, 2008

ACT Energy Drink Leads

Every cell in your body depends on energy to perform critical functions. Most people eat foods high in calories and low in nutrients, curtailing the cell's ability to perform. ACT Energy Drink targets specific metabolic pathways to create optimal balance and performance at the cellular level. Nutrients abound in plants, herbs, fruits and vegetables. ACT Energy Drinks combine specialized crystalline extracts from these various natural sources with a proprietary blend of ingredients to produce positive results. Have both ENERGY and NUTRIENTS working together for you, as advanced science and nature are united in every serving of ACT Energy Drink.

Other Ingredients Maltodextrin, Crystalline Fructose, Potassium Citrate, Citric Acid, Sodium chloride, Niacinamide, Pyridoxine hcl, Cyanocobalamin and Natural Flavor.

DrinkACTEnergy Drink targets metabolic pathways to create optimal balance and performance at the cellular level. Every cell in your body depends on energy to perform the function of that cell. Most people eat foods high in calories and low in nutrients... the very nutrients that your cells need to perform their functions.

ACT Energy Drink is a web-based energy drink company founded in June 2005 by Paul Gravette and Mark McKnight. Combining experience and a proven track record with direct marketing, Paul Gravette developed the DrinkACT concept to combine the power and technology of the Internet with an intense and proven word-of-mouth marketing strategy

Are you ready to build your ACT Energy drink business. How about some ACT Energy Drink leads to talk too? Vital to your business in order for continual growth, thus bringing in long term income for you and your family.

You need ACT Energy Drink Leads in order to find prospects. Will you develop your ACT Energy Drink leads using a website? The company does offer sites for your success. Or will you go to an ACT Energy Drink resource for leads are fresh, responsive, and definitely interested in pursuing a Home Based Business.

ACT Energy leads need to provide you the lead consumer with the most up to date real time information in order to increase your conversion rates tremendously by targeting the exact prospect that fits your profile.

Now you will need to get on the phone and tell people what you have found. Try and explain the power of this business and how they are going to make so much money. Do you honestly know enough people that will honestly make a huge effort to do just like you? Taking the time to find quality ACT Energy Drink leads, then developing them into a business partner with you. Do you still believe in the traditional methods of MLM to build a rock solid walk away income? If still believe a successful business model is based on distributors buying product just like you. These distributors will do just like you over and over and over again.

This is old school marketing....and this old way of thinking isn’t profitable....

If you are truly ready to experience Ultimate success in a business. I invite you to one of our free presentations on how we together building long term walk way income in record time as we work together as a team. The Ultimate Team! See how the Ultimate Sponsoring program has truly changed the face of how a successful business is built.

Sound good to you?

Kim Buchanan
Skype Me kimzinbiz


Thursday, July 17, 2008

 ACT Energy Drink leads

Every cell in your body depends on energy to perform critical functions. Most people eat foods high in calories and low in nutrients, curtailing the cell's ability to perform. ACT Energy Drink DrinkACT targets specific metabolic pathways to create optimal balance and performance at the cellular level. Nutrients abound in plants, herbs, fruits and vegetables. ACT Energy Drinks DrinkACT combine specialized crystalline extracts from these various natural sources with a proprietary blend of ingredients to produce positive results. Have both ENERGY and NUTRIENTS working together for you, as advanced science and nature are united in every serving of ACT Energy Drink.DrinkACT.

ACT Energy DrinkACT is a breakthrough energy drink that generates a super charged nutrient uptake into your bodies cells within 10to15 minutes. As a result, you will experience the healthy, full body revitalization that only ACT Energy can deliver...for hours at a time.

Simple Business Plan with great compensation. All you have to do is hand someone a sample, tell them to drink it, and then call them back in about an hour. Everyone wants more energy. The Product does all of the talking for you. The sky is the limit with the pay plan, you decide how much you want to make per week whether if be $500 or $5,000. The Choice is yours. Now you need to find ACT Energy Drink Leads.

How will you find these ACT Energy Drink leads? Will you pick up the phone book and make cold calls, go through your high school year book and find old friends to call to share this opportunity with? How about developing an email list and sending out emails about your business?

Or you can simply not purchase ACT Energy drink leads, you can learn more about a company that buys customers NOT leads.

Work smart, work savvy, I work with a team of like minded individuals all dedicated and committed to the success of each and every member of the team. We invite you to join us as together we are the Ultimate Team. Ultimate teamwork just works!

Kim Buchanan
Skype Me kimzinbiz



Tuesday, July 15, 2008

  ACT Energy Drink Leads

Does your energy drink super charge you? Then take a look at this. ACT Energy Drink is a breakthrough energy drink that generates a super charged nutrient uptake into your body's cells within 10 to 15 minutes. As a result you will experience the healthy, full body revitalization that only Drink ACT can deliver for hours at a time

Every cell in your body depends on energy to perform critical functions. Most people eat foods high in calories and low in nutrients, curtailing the cell's ability to perform. ACT Energy Drink targets specific metabolic pathways to create optimal balance and performance at the cellular level. Nutrients abound in plants, herbs, fruits and vegetables. ACT Energy Drinks combine specialized crystalline extracts from these various natural sources with a proprietary blend of ingredients to produce positive results. Have both ENERGY and NUTRIENTS working together for you, as advanced science and nature are united in every serving of ACT Energy Drink ACT Energy drink or activated cellular therapy is the world's first healthy energy drink and a healthy feel good drink. ACT is designed to activate metabolic pathways (Krebs cycle) to create energy at the mitochondrial sub cellular level rather than increase fuel (calories). As a result the energy effect created by the ACT Energy Drink formula is generated for hours a totally different approach from that of energy drinks that supply a short spike of energy produced by large doses of sugar. ACT Energy Drink is a web based energy drink company founded in June 2005 by Paul Gravette and Mark McKnight. intends to become the most powerful web based energy drink affiliate program in the world by attracting hundreds of thousands of customers from around the globe who simply want to feel good.

We all need an energy drink now and then, it is becoming the in thing to do, we all need a lift during the day. So, now you are ready to build your ACT Energy Drink or Drink ACT business right? What is the first thing you are going to need? Why it is ACT Energy Drink Leads. Where will you find these leads? What kind of ACT Energy Drink lead is the best?

Let us start with a phone interviewed ACT Energy Drink lead these are custom generated to suit you and your group's business needs. Leads of this type are typically around $6 to $12 per lead however you can get discount group rates if you so desire. You simply need to shop around to various lead companies. Or ask for a referral from other business affiliates.

I personally do not buy leads at all. Been there done that. Buying leads is a total waste of your time. Why try and build a business buying leads?

Perhaps it is time to consider a different approach to building a business

1) Buy customers to give your business a solid foundation
2) Learn how to work with a successful team of like minded individuals

Work as part of a powerful team called The Ultimate Team. Together we work with a proven Ultimate Sponsoring System unlike anything else ever before seen before. It is a simple plan of Ultimate Teamwork ultimately creating rock solid walk away incomes for all its members. No one is left behind.

Kim Buchanan
Skype Me kimzinbiz



Monday, July 14, 2008

Renton Washington Real Estate

There's something for everyone in Renton. And here at the Renton Real Estate Blog it is our effort to keep you up to date, informed not only what is happening in Renton Real Estate but also in the community.

To see the latest news and announcements about exciting events and Real Estate opportunities in the City, have a look here

If you search Google for Renton Real Estate you will find many blog and other web sites that bring out the interesting facts, not only about Renton Real Estate blog, but about the community and it'd unique features. For example...
Lets take a look at another neighbor.

City of Newcastle Profile and History

For family-oriented people who want to escape from urban sprawl, Newcastle combines the convenience and choices of urban living with the comfort and community of a small town. Only in Newcastle can residents and visitors live, work, shop, and play with stunning views, commute easily to the best jobs in the Pacific Northwest, and return home to live in balance with nature in a community that respects their values.

Newcastle has an unusually rich history for a city its size. It played a vital role in opening up the Seattle region for expansion. In many ways, it was the poster child for development in the Pacific Northwest in the late 1800s—rail, coal, and timber were the key themes of this time, and Newcastle was at the nexus of all of them. Newcastle 's coal mine and railroad helped transform Seattle into a major port.

In 1872, between 75-100 tons of coal was produced each day in Newcastle ; by the time the mine closed for the last time in 1963, more than13 million tons had been extracted. Its legacy remains ever-present in local place names such as Coal Creek Parkway , and China Creek Golf Course. An active, well-informed, and passionate group of citizens remain committed to sharing Newcastle's history with visitors and residents.
 The City celebrates Newcastle Days at a community festival each September. The City was officially incorporated in 1994.


Each year, the Chief Demographer of the Washington State Office of Financial Management transmits population determinations for cities, towns and counties. The figures are used to allocate certain revenues to local governments pursuant to the Revised Code of Washington.

Questions regarding any population figure or financial allocations are best addressed by the Chief Demographer or a representative of the Office of Financial Management.

Currently, Theresa Lowe serves as Chief Demographer for the State. Located in the Insurance Building in Olympia, WA, Theresa may be reached by telephone number 360.902.0555.
1994 ….. *7000
1995 ….. *7145
1996 ….. *7303
1997 ….. *7511
1998 ….. *7643
1999 ….. *7635
2000 ….. *7737
2001 ….. *7815
2002 ….. *8205
2003 ….. *8320
2004 ….. *8375
2005 ….. *8890
2006 …..*9,175

If your looking for a home in the Renton, Newcastle area, give me a call or visit my web site. I would enjoy helping you.

Lonnie Snyder
Keller Williams Realty Southeast Sound
Phone: 206-406-2710
Lonnie Snyder is a full time real estate agent
and REALTOR® with Keller Williams Realty specializing
in Residential Real Estate for buyers and sellers
in Washington's Kent, Renton, Newcastle and South Bellevue.

Sunrider Leads 714

Yes Sunrider Leads in many ways. Sunrider not only leads in compensation. Sunrider also leads in Personal Care & Home Care Products.

The Sunrider™ Compensation Plan is one of the most innovative and profitable compensations plans ever devised, and it allows for multiple ways to earn weekly income.

Sunrider leads with a global compensation plan so you can do business in over 42 countries. This allows you to make money around the clock. Sunrider can pay you three times a month, but you only need to qualify once a month. Most plans which pay you weekly also require you to qualify weekly. If you don't work to qualify that week, you don't get paid! In Sunrider, many IBOs earn a stable residual income so they can take a long vacation or do philanthropic work without worrying about their next paycheck.

Sunrider Leads in many ways. Sunrider leads in compensation. Sunrider leads in Personal Care & Home Care Products.

Sunrider 'Pumps Up' the Excitement at the Arnold Sports Festival 2008

Sunrider International was once again a main sponsor of the annual Arnold Sports Festival, held this year February 29 – March 2, in Columbus, Ohio. The goal of the 3-day event is to promote "a weekend of sports and a lifetime of fitness." The world's largest "multi-sport fitness weekend" featured more than 17,000 athletes participating in 37 events, including 12 Olympic sports. California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger co-produced the event, which was attended by over 150,000 sports fans and fitness enthusiasts, and that has now expanded into three venues: The Greater Columbus Convention Center, Veterans Memorial, and Nationwide Arena. This year also marked the 20th anniversary of the Festival's centerpiece event—the Arnold Classic—which is considered to be among the most prestigious bodybuilding competitions in the world.

One of the main reasons Sunrider started sponsoring the Arnold Sports Festival in 2006 was to provide financial support to showcase top athletes from China. Sunrider was proud this year to sponsor Zhang Jie and his teammate Lu Changliang, junior weightlifting champions from the Chinese Weightlifting Association. Both of these world-class athletes wowed the crowds with their performances during the competition.

A highlight of the Festival is the Arnold Fitness Expo, which showcases the latest nutritional products, fitness programs, and virtually everything else related to healthy living. There were 650 booths this year, situated amidst an amazing array of ongoing stage entertainment. The venue provided the perfect environment to introduce attendees to Sunrider International—the global company that has been successfully providing "Health and Wealth" to the world for over 25 years. Sunrider was well represented at its booth with North America Sales Manager John Teng and Sunrider IBOs actively promoting the Sunrider business opportunity and products.

This year was also special, as Sunrider not only supported the Arnold Sports Festival as a sponsor, but also represented itself with John Teng competing in the amateur bodybuilding event, placing 5th place in the highly competitive welterweight division. John was thrilled by the experience and explained how Sunrider® products played an important role in his pre-competition training: "My dietary supplementation for this show came only from Sunrider's exclusively formulated 'foods' made with our own pharmaceutical-grade manufacturing equipment to ensure the highest quality."

John Teng summed up the incredible experience by saying, "Sunrider was honored to participate both as a sponsor and as a competitor during this very special anniversary year for the Arnold Sports Festival and we look forward to continued involvement in the years to come."

Companies like Sunrider™ are not equipped to sell to the end user (the person consuming the products), but expect the their distributors to do the job.

 Sometimes this is very difficult since advertising and marketing can be very expensive, and not every distributor is a salesperson. Finding customers for the companies products or services can be a real challenge, especially for a new distributor that lacks product knowledge and sales experience.

The traditional way of acquiring customers is to purchase leads. The independent reps have to cold call the leads, and try to get people interested in their company or products. Another strategy is to bring in friends and family to the business and hopefully they will do the same. The end result of these combined strategies is rejection and a very small percentage of people signing up. If these particular strategies worked the majority of people entering a MLM or network marketing business would be highly successful. Instead they are not!

Sunrider™ obviously has all the bases covered when it comes to products, comp plans, fast start bonuses and all the rest of the elements seen in MLM businesses. Sunrider™ is dedicated to assisting their distributors to become successful. Although MLM marketing is a tough game, you must be willing to work hard, never quit, and keep the information flowing consistently, in order to make sales.

What about buying Sunrider Leads to build my business?

Should I buy Sunrider leads to build my business? What is the ROI (return on investment) that I can expect from purchasing Sunrider Leads? How many other people are being sold the same leads, even though the leads are promoted as being fresh and responsive?

Are you tired of the hype, lies and misrepresentation from lead brokers? Why not consider the alternative?

Never Buy Sunrider Leads Again . . . Buy Customers Not Sunrider Leads . . . No More Cold Calling

Enter The Ultimate Team! They teach you how to buy customers Not leads to build your home business. These are not distributors; these a real customers who want to buy products. It even gets better! You don't have to advertise for these customers or even talk to them.

The Ultimate team, of which I am a major part, we teach our team members to buy customers, Not Leads! You can do the same if you will just go to, fill out the form and come to our Saturday business opportunity meeting.

Jerry Snyder-SEO Consultant
Skype me

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Renton Real Estate Blog

There's something for everyone in Renton. And here at the Renton Real Estate Blog it is our effort to keep you up to date, informed not only what is happening in Renton Real Estate but also in the community.

To see the latest news and announcements about exciting events and Real Estate opportunities in the City, have a look here

If you search Google for Renton Real Estate you will find many blog and other web sites that bring out the interesting facts, not only about Renton Real Estate blog, but about the community and it'd unique features. For example...

Discover the magic of Renton and enjoy the convenient, spectacular location, outstanding value, hometown hospitality, and business-friendly environment.
Nestled on the south shore of beautiful Lake Washington, Renton is centrally located in the heart of the Puget Sound area - just 10 minutes from SeaTac International Airport, Seattle and Bellevue. Renton also offers terrific views of the Olympics, the Cascades and Mount Rainier.

Get the best of the Northwest, without high prices, hassle, traffic and expensive parking!

While in Renton

While in Renton, stay, play, shop and dine ahead of the curve. Check out the versatile, kid-friendly, waterfront Gene Coulon Memorial Park or play 18 holes of golf at Maplewood Greens. Catch a concert or play at the Renton IKEA Performing Arts Center or Renton Civic Theatre. Kids of all ages will love the new Henry Moses Family Aquatic Center, Cascade Canoe and Kayak Center, and the Renton Skatepark. Plan time to discover Renton's 100-year history at the Renton Historical Museum and visit the nearby Veterans Memorial Park.

Renton is also a great place to do business. The Chamber is in the business of serving business, as it has for more than 75 years, and offers its members leadership development, networking opportunities, advocacy, and resources to promote business prosperity. On behalf of the business community and in partnership with government, education and health care, the Chamber promotes commerce, tourism, economic development and diversification in Renton and serves as a "first call" resource and business trade organization with local, regional, national and international reach.

If your looking to Buy or Sell a home in Renton, Kent or Newcastle area Please check out my website, I would love to help you find your new home.

Lonnie Snyder REALTOR®
Keller Williams Realty Southeast Sound
Phone: 206-406-2710
Lonnie Snyder is a full time real estate agent
and REALTOR® with Keller Williams Realty specializing
in Residential Real Estate for buyers and sellers
in Washington's Kent, Renton, Newcastle and South Bellevue.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Renton Wa Real Estate Blog At the Farmers Market

There's something for everyone in Renton. And here at the Renton Real Estate Blog it is our effort to keep you up to date, informed not only what is happening in Renton Real Estate but also in the community.

To see the latest news and announcements about exciting events and Real Estate opportunities in the City, have a look here

If you search Google for Renton Real Estate you will find many blog and other web sites that bring out the interesting facts, not only about Renton Real Estate blog, but about the community and it'd unique features. For example...

Discover the magic of Renton and enjoy the convenient, spectacular location, outstanding value, hometown hospitality, and business-friendly environment.
Nestled on the south shore of beautiful Lake Washington, Renton is centrally located in the heart of the Puget Sound area - just 10 minutes from SeaTac International Airport, Seattle and Bellevue. Renton also offers terrific views of the Olympics, the Cascades and Mount Rainier.

Get the best of the Northwest, without high prices, hassle, traffic and expensive parking!

Lets take a look at the Renton Farmers Market

The Renron Farmers Market appreciate your interest, and they have just begun their exciting 2008 Market Season!

Farmers markets are one of the last places were small farms can sell their food to the public. Take the time to thank a local farmer for their commitment to good food.

Vendor Highlights:

G and R Seafood has been at the market for three weeks now, and every week they sell out. So come early for your fresh oysters and clams.

Lyall Farm brings over some sweet and juicy cherries from East of the mountains in Mattawa, WA.

Zane and Zack offer some "burn your mouth" sauces and spreads that are like nothing you have ever tasted. Give the Habenero Cream Cheese a try, It might bring tears to your eyes.

Full Circle Farm is one of our Certified Organic vendors offering a variety of produce that is picked fresh and grown with out chemicals.

The Crafty Mushroom is new to the market and the area. They make delectable desserts and treats. Try the Wheat-free Brownie, you will think you have gone into chocolate heaven.

Come on down to the Renton Farmers Market and see the amazing items that await you. Eat some wonderful food from local restaurants at our demo booth, listen to some great music, and meet some great people. Most importantly, buy some healthy local food!

Come and enjoy the festivities. The Renton Farmers Market is held at the Renton Piazza in downtown Renton.

Metro's Renton Transit Center is immediately north of the Market, providing bus access via several dozen routes.

Two-hour free parking is available at Renton's City Center Parking Garage - enter on 2nd Avenue.

In future articles we will look closer to see all that Kent has to offer.

If your looking to Buy or Sell a home in Renton, Kent or Newcastle area Please check out my website, I would love to help you find your new home.

Lonnie Snyder REALTOR®
Keller Williams Realty Southeast Sound
Phone: 206-406-2710
Lonnie Snyder is a full time real estate agent
and REALTOR® with Keller Williams Realty specializing
in Residential Real Estate for buyers and sellers
in Washington's Kent, Renton, Newcastle and South Bellevue.

ACT Energy Drink Leads

ACT Energy Drink is a breakthrough energy drink that generates a super charged nutrient uptake into your body's cells within 10-15 minutes! As a result you will experience the healthy, full body revitalization that only Drink ACT can deliver for hours at a time Whether its morning, afternoon, or night, ACT Energy Drink will lead you up to keep you on the go. Experience for yourself what consumers around the world are calling The Feel Good Drink.

It is the perfect product, ACT Energy is the first ever all natural Energy Drink. It contains NO Added Caffeine, NO artificial Sweeteners, and NO Artificial Flavors. Only 6 grams of carbs, 5 grams of sugar, and 24 calories. Comes in both 12 oz cans and powder.

It is Easy to make money with Drink ACT with Some Effort on Your Part FANTASTIC Monthly Incomes Are Not Uncommon.

You will need to find some ACT Energy Drink leads.

But you can Work On Your Own Schedule
Most importantly you can Work Entirely From Your Home

Now how will you build your ACT Energy Drink business? Where will you find ACT Energy Drink leads, who will you talk to?

Together as The Ultimate Team we do not need to rely on distributors and buying leads to build a successful business. Duplication, which we all know, doesn’t work. See for yourself why delegation coupled with a rock solid business model based on purchasing customers not leads has created financially sound, walk away incomes in record time.

Sound good to you?

Kim Buchanan
Skype Me kimzinbiz